
Collaboration with your communities: what is possible when the medical industry works together with the event sector?

Question is also: will be go back to normal and is that wise? But that is a different debate. More than 1,000 Barcelona residents gathered a while ago to participate in a medical study to evaluate the effectiveness of same-day COVID-19 testing to safely hold cultural events. 500 participants were randomly selected to enjoy a free concert. The other 500 participants were sent home to form a control group.

The whole idea behind this medical study was to see how the cultural and event sector could organize events without social distancing, with mouth masks and same-day antigen testing. This could be a tool to help make large events safe until vaccines are widespread enough to prevent infection.

Is this the future of events? Will concerts be organized in such a way this summer? Let’s hope that we learn fast from experiments like this one to give a perspective to everyone who misses the vibe of large scale events!

Source: Euronews

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