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Emil Fuglsang is Co-Founder of Matter, a Danish technology company that makes sustainable investments simple, flexible, and transparent!

Emil Stigsgaard Fuglsang is Co-Founder & COO at Matter, a Danish tech company that makes sustainable investments simple, and transparent.

Emil explains how sustainable investments have evolved in the last 2 decades and explains the difference between ESG goals, the European Green Deal, CSR, and the United Nation’s SDGs because it is confusing to have so many terms and regulations right?

Despite the fact that they work in a Business-to-Business context, he gives a tip for individual investors on how to invest in ethical funds, something we can all learn to do to take better care of people and the planet.

When you want to invest as a private investor, ask your bank or search for an Article 8 or 9 fund, also called dark green funds. These types of funds must make only sustainable investments (generally) and they must disclose how investments qualify as environmentally sustainable. So you basically have proof that these funds are not greenwashing, or making investments in non-ethical businesses like weapons.

In short, a fascinating and informative session in a new episode of this podcast demonstrates how it is possible to do business for good.

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