
“Follow your dreams, I will always be proud of you.” Wise words from my late father to my daughter.

At 90 years old and affected by dementia, it was probably better for him to have died peacefully. Having lost my mum 2,5 years ago I feel grief for having become an orphan. I saw it happen to friends before and it is true that it is a certain mix of feelings like sadness, the loss of a generation, and a realization that we are next in line. Gloomy thoughts maybe, but the lessons I learned from both my parents are all about being strong, remaining optimistic no matter what, and building up resilience as life is always up and down.

My parents lived their lives to the fullest and never complained about the choices they made. “Follow your heart, follow your dreams, and don’t let anyone put you down”. Those wise words my father passed on to my daughter as he was a big fan of hers and a proud grandfather.

In memorial to both my parents and what they have taught me 🫶, I’ll continue my mission. I’ll strive to make the world a better place by helping companies grow their businesses in a caring and sustainable way by creating brand strategies that matter. No time to waste, let’s just do this.

Have a COOKIE, they are free and they will make your web experience taste sweet.
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