April 28th: free webinar to find out how the Care Scan can help your organization grow in a caring and sustainable way.
Developed together with market research agency Ivox, the Care scan measures how caring your organization really is. It also gives answers from your employees on topics such as:
- How do you collaborate? Both internally and externally.
- Are you really agile?
- Are you a trustworthy company?
- How empathetic are you really?
The Care scan tells you how caring your organization is for your employees, your clients, and your stakeholders. Finally, it indicates how better care for the planet is integrated into your business. Direct insights into which fields you are doing well and which fields require your attention. The Care scan also gives you a clear indication if management and employees are aligned or not.
A Belgian benchmark study revealed that the overall score on the Care Principles was only 53%. Does your company score better? Subscribe now to the free webinar to understand how the Care scan can help you grow your business in a more caring and sustainable way.