Tip 1: Employee tip of the week is about trust instead of control.
We start a new video series with weekly easy, accessible tips on how to apply the CARE Principles in your organization.
As the CARE strategic framework starts internally, we start this month with tips on how to take better care of your employees.
Please note that the tips are generic, and try to help as many organizations as possible, so they might not be helpful for your specific challenge in your people strategy. Please reach out to me for a personalized approach, a leadership training or simply an external strategic eye to challenge your people 2.0. approach.
We all know that people demands are shifting and that the psychological contract is changing. How do you deal with that? Well the tip of this week seems easy, unfortunately reality and research indicates the opposite. Trusting your employees instead of controlling them is the way forward, but it is easier said than done. To trust build and reliability, you need to be open to a different leadership style. Thought leadership today is about following your moral compass, it is about empowering your people instead of ordering them.