
Why ‘not being racist’ is not enough said Levi’s

In May 2020 Levi’s was one of the many American brands who reflected on George Floyd and they quickly made several donations to organizations who fight on the front lines of social-justice issues. A very caring gesture, but soon after they understood that that wasn’t enough.

 In the spirit of self-reflection, they decided to publish their diversity statistics for the first time in their 167-year history on their website.

They openly admitted that although they employ 18% of Black people worldwide, but Black representation plummets at each level of the corporate structure. Only 5% of Black people reach the corporate level. They have no Black employees on the Global Leadership Team and no Black board members. They promised to work hard on their diversity problem and will hire an executive-level Head of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging. They want to create a more diverse and equitable company and culture. Their ultimate goal is for the racial makeup of our U.S. corporate employees and our leadership at least match that of the United States.

A very brave move of Levi’s to openly publish their shortcomings, but a move that will be necessary for brands who want to remain future proof. Diversity and inclusion matter to your people, to your clients and to your communities. Perfection doesn’t exist but trying every day to do better is all what matters.

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