

You may have started to realize it already: to deal with the complex challenges we face, you’ll need to reach out to others in order to win the battle together. Reaching out to others starts inside your company as too many companies today still work in silos. Working closely together with other external partners like universities, nearby businesses and even your competitors can help you in trying to solve or smoothen certain issues.

This will certainly be appreciated by people who care for your brand. Here you’ll find weekly inspiration that showcases how important collaboration is for your future successes.

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How covid-19 ramped up collaboration at a Brussels hospital, a great example of internal collaboration.

A great example of internal collaboration can be found at Brussels University Hospital. Marc Noppen, CEO of this hospital, kept a diary during the first lockdown for De Tijd, a Flemish newspaper. In a very honest weekly column, he explained to readers how hospitals had become large, slow, hierarchical organizations, and how even his own hospital suffered from this unfortunate trend.

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Liena by La Petite Rooze

A caring collaborative model for a baby brand

Creating a brand together with your clients, your suppliers and other entrepreneurs that cares for the world must cost a fortune. That is what most people think. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be like that, read on the learn from baby brand Liena. Today I put the spotlight on a very small and local brand Liena by La Petite Rooze.

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